Inversion therapy is the best treatment for back pain and sciatica that I know of. In 04 I had to get back surgery for a herniated disc. Nearly 2 years after surgery I STILL had painful and crippling sciatica, weak legs and pain. A friend of mine turned me on to inversion therapy and I have been hanging upside down ever since. what I've learned through treating with inversion therapy is that although we feel pain in our backs, the pain really originates in the core, stomach or ab muscles. As I inverted I felt my abs start to loosen as the spasms were stretched away. As my abs relaxed they loosened their grip on my hip muscles, thighs and of course my back muscles. Once these muscles were also relaxed my lower back and pelvis were free to go back into alignment and as they did my sciatica disappeared. I have been virtually pain free for 3 years now because of inversion therapy and I want the world to know! Inversion therapy has literally saved my life. Do some research yourself and see if you think inversion therapy can help you as it did me. All my best and Happy New Year.