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Re: new here - three questions re. iodine
jfh Views: 1,989
Published: 16 y
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Re: new here - three questions re. iodine

When you start a new health protocol, you may find that you will have detox reactions, call Herxheimer. Herxheimer occurs when large quantities of toxins are released into the body as bacteria (typically Spirochetal bacteria) die, due to Antibiotic treatment or rapid detoxification.

You know? When a doctor says, "it will get worse before it gets better".

Well, when I started Iodine therapy, I started with one drop of Lugol's and progress by one more drop each day until I reached where I wanted to be. I experienced this "die off" with various symptoms related to my sinuses and constipation. These are the weakest parts of my body. I thought this was normal; but it went on and on all through the 5 months of my therapy.

My goal was to get to a stable point and then use a daily maintenance dose of one drop per day for perhaps 4 times per week. I have since moved to another therapy which, for 9 months, affected me exactly the same way. Perpetual detox.

I now believe that Newport's theory has been proven by me; and therefore is no longer a theory - to me.

My story is not indicative to what you will experience. My problems have been life long (60 years). Other people, at this forum, seem to have a much better experience.


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