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Image Embedded new here - three questions re. iodine
Dog Rose Views: 2,136
Published: 16 y

new here - three questions re. iodine

I'm new to this forum but this afternoon have found much very helpful information and would like to ask three questions. With the advice of my NP I've been supplementing Iodine for about a year, along with taking many other supplements for a chronic illness which has gotten much, much better. I've been leary of taking too much Iodine for all the reasons conventional doctors give and am taking much less than my NP would like. At one time I was up to 5 drops of Lugol's and 15 drops of Magnescent a day but sleep was difficult with that and I panic if I don't sleep. So I've cut back in the last several months after my Amalgams were removed to just 3 drops of Lugol's a day. Very slowly my adrenals and thyroid - both low - seem to be improving, but it seems to me they'll need more of a helping hand and Iodine might be the key. My three questions are -

1. I'm told that the lead cause of my illness is adrenal fatigue and that the adrenals must be treated before the thyroid. Will increasing my iodine upset my adrenals? (I'm taking glandulars for both along with Vits B and C, selenium and various herbs).

2. I swim alot - four times a week in a chlorinated pool (but not too chlorinated and without added copper. There isn't an ozonated pool near us). Is this a really poor choice of exercise with low thyroid? I love swimming and rely on it for quality sleep, but have swum for over 30 years, so alot of chlorine. Will the iodine displace the chlorine?

3. My NP highly recommends Magnescent iodine. He says it's finer than Lugol's and can get into places Lugol's doesn't. He believes the body needs both. I can't find much research on Magnescent. It seems to have a more powerful detox reaction to it than to Lugols. Any advice on the safety of Magnescent and its effectiveness?

Many thanks for any help you can offer.

Dog Rose


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