How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration
Mercury is present in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients and only it is capable of inactivating the enzymes that protect neurons from destruction and producing the tangles and plaque deposits characteristic of the disease. The costs of care for patients with this disease exceed $100 billion a year and are increasing.
In effect, we have a health care disaster, worsening daily, caused by the unwise use of a dangerously neurotoxic material by dentists and physicians with the support and approval of their professional associations and health authorities at the highest levels of the Federal Government. The damage done to the World Trade Center by a small band of terrorists, pales in comparison to the damage that has been caused by mercury in our dental fillings and in vaccines injected into our children and us.
Mercury, considered to be both the most toxic non-radioactive element and the most volatile heavy metal, is being removed from all health care uses--save one. The disinfectant Mercurochrome is banned; mercury thermometers have been outlawed in over a dozen states (including California ); and the Center for Disease Control has ordered manufacturers to cease putting mercury
preservatives in vaccines. The exception--mercury in dental
Amalgam fillings--sadly trumps all other uses both in magnitude of mass product and unrelenting harm to the human body.
Amalgam filling has as much mercury as a thermometer, and its poisonous vapors are constantly emitted from the teeth to the brain, a particular risk, according to the U.S. government, to the developing brain of the child. The fetus is at the greatest risk of all if the pregnant woman has dental fillings drilled out or implanted, because of the proven transport of mercury through the placenta. So too is the nursing infant of a woman with
Amalgam dental fillings, because of the transport of mercury into the breast milk.