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Re: Answer to BIOSAFE Question?
TheObserver Views: 1,597
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Re: Answer to BIOSAFE Question?

Yes my wife keeps asking me which one is which and how many drops again so I can speculate how an elderly sick individual could misdose but then again that would be the same as with ANY medications. One could die from asprin...

It sucks losing ones mental abilities commonly called aging.

But I can see that this was not true-for I have now seen many folks into their 90's
with crystal clear minds and some NOT needing glasses for reading wow!

Well if I can just stop the EXTRA damage I was doing to myself - that would be great.

As far as Miracle-Mineral-Supplement - Due to my poor health my body quickly reacts telling me go forward or stop.

Everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another. That said Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has helped me- and I realise to be careful with any toxic substance - that is simply common sense.

Thanks to curezone - I see other things to try to assist with my slow spiral back UPWARD to good health; for which I am very thankful.

I suspect I have cancer of the liver - I rarely drink but just 1/2 glass of wine and I get a little buzz and later a slight headache. Deep bags under my eyes as well as or was jellowing of the whites of the eyes. (prior to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement )

The coffee enimas and juicing stopped that and slightly reversed it as of present.

IF the MMS I was taking was hurting more then helping I would feel it and stop...

I was with KAISER for 15 years for my health care provider. I learned very well how the system works-or not as it comes to providing knowledge to prevent or stop or cure long term illnesses such as my chronic fatigue disease...

So say what you like - I speak from experience.

Take Care



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