Well now isn't that an interesting question. Yes people have been hospitalized but, as people like yourself advise them are never to tell a Doctor that they have ingested Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . This is what Jom Humble teaches. It's called CYA. And therefore no one can tie him to the illnesses like damage to the red blood cells so many experience. Now, I'm sure you have never seen a doctor to have your blood tested for damage have you? You would rather blindly believe Jim Humble. And if you do have damage would you ever tell a doctor you ingested Miracle-Mineral-Supplement or just leave them guessing about what might have happened? Hiding the use of the chemical Miracle-Mineral-Supplement from the medical community prevents it being identified as harmfull. Just what Jim Humbles wants. Again it's called CYA. Hey, have you had your kidneys checked lately?