Re: BIOSAFE Question? - ok I will play :)
If you have evidence of human trials proving the safety of ingesting this chemical, please tell us what you have. None of us here are aware of any trials
OK Lets play-don't get butned by the truth now sweety :) Here we go:
You sir are referring to the "SYSTEM" of current drug approval in USA.
The same system that keeps a population sick and dieing while extracting around a trillion yearly. Would be higher but once the "victom" runs out of money and goes BK... they are left to actually get cured AT THE CUREZONE! And I thank you brother and sister curezoners aswell as the
Webmaster for this site!!!
AMA = Pimp for the allopath system IE destroy all other systems which compete
FDA = Pimp for big parma IE make it very expensive to do the clinical testing process and if one does it they will simply keep requiring re-studies.
A current example:
Monipoly of artificial sweetner held fast by FDA. Was not allowed to state it was a sweetner nor could not sell any food products containing this substance in it though most of the western world was using it as a food additive sweetner for many years.
Only last month they started raising that gate... They still can rade any foods containing it but likely won't...
Care to argue your concerns with Stevia? LOL !
By the way I just took some
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with a little grape juice - yummy!
Better look for a new job-parma is going down!