Re: Suicidal depression, PLEASE HELP!
First of all does the doctor have you taking anything?
Allergies to drugs would be symptomatic of a toxic liver - also multiple chemical sensitivities or MCS.
C- reactive protein could be a sign of bacterial infection - are you getting any symptoms of an infection such as fatigue, joint/muscle pain, sick feeling?
Vitamin C will bring the c reactive protein down - as CRP is a sign of inflammation.
My nutritionist did a huge nutritional blood test, and found:
>>did the nutritionist do any other testing? What lab did they use for this? Do they have you on any supplements for this issues?
1) My sulfate is low
2) my C reactive protein is too high (for 2 years now)
3) My 5-HIAA (serotonin metabolite) is too low.
4) uric acid is high.
5) High zinc levels in blood.
6) phenylalanine is low >> did they check other amino acids?
7) CoEnzyme Q10 is low.
8) Vitamin D is low (despite that I've been taking it for a year before this test)
>>how much vitamin D are you taking, is it D3? Could be a sign of parathyroid issues which would keep calcium and magnesium low - the parathyroid would be problem if a low grade infection exists (one possibility)
9) EPA (omega-3) is low.