My mom had chicken pox..or was it small a child and the virus never leaves your body. In her case, at the age of 60, it attacked her heart. She had a stroke and was diagnosed with progressive heart disease. That is why I got involved with glyconutrients and she is on preventative amounts. I wish she would take more but she only takes A*****ose Complex...about 1 tsp per day. This was over a year ago and she also takes colostrum when she begins to feel sick as she can not afford any illness. She takes 300 mg of CoQ10 and some other supplements. When she went for her year check-up, her ejection fraction had increased and her heart which was moderately enlarged had gone to being slightly enlarged. It goes to show you how taking care of your body and putting missing ingredients into can really turn a health challenge around. I copied and posted the other reply message to you and sent it to my mom. Good stuff in there.