OXYGEN, pH, HYDRATION! Get with the program!
Pathogens are opportunistic! They thrive on abnormal OXYGEN, pH, and/or HYDRATION levels. So get some oxygen, mineralize your system, and get some pure water! I would follow these steps in this order so you aren't opening up the vascular system only to spread the infection, but to clean it out safely. Let's sneak up on it this way:
DAY ONE: Get some hyper-clean bottled water without flouride. This is expensive but a necessary first step. Jock shops and health food stores can help you. BE PICKY! Or use distilled water if needed. Start with a big mug of hot Lemon Juice in pure water first thing when arising to wake up your Liver.
Have Caprylic Acid when arising and before bed, easily available from health food stores, to whack back possible Candida. Candida or "yeast" flourishes in one's system after
Antibiotic use, and deranges oxygenation, pH and hydration, and steals Magnesium from you which prevents any relaxant effect. RING A BELL???
Eat any whole foods you want as long as no coffee, tea, chocolate or carbonated beverages. No refined sugars, no
Sugar substitutes, and avoid all chemical additives. No fake fats, like hydrogenated vegetable oil in margarine, and no cooked oils, like in fried foods. Eat it raw when possible. Stay away from spices PERIOD as this will make your Liver's immunity soldiers, the Kupfer Cells, "drunk" and ineffective.
Sea Salt and Kelp is great to mineralize and correct your pH.
Sea Salt and Baking Soda to clean your chops, no flouridated toothpaste and no commercial mouthwash! Use Hydrogen Peroxide or a Whiskey rinse if you have to but no more chemicals! You know dental bugs can infect the heart. If you've created a wierd strain with commercial dental products, you have to stop this vector which may be drip-feeding the viral infection into the heart after you've hatched a resistant oral strain of virus with these chemicals.
DAY TWO: Break out that blender, or get a cheapie juicer. Don't juice RAW Carrots, please, as these block the uptake of
Iodine to the Thyroid. Start with smashed Parsley and
Celery to increase cell hydration, two
ounces minimum with or in every meal or snack. Throw in Apples in your diet for Magnesium, the relaxer mineral. Preferably eat Apples or drink your own home-made, non-pasteurized Apple Juice by itself. Don't forget to go sit in the Sun for fun!
DAY THREE: Listen, you can't even get at tissue that doesn't have good cell transport. So a little dietary sulphur, from MSM/Methyl-Sulfonyl Methane, wouldn't hurt to encourage the release of toxins from cells and allow these nutrients into cells. And some nice, clean water! Preferably get some oxygen drops or Silver Colloid to oxygenate. Drink out of glass, not plastic, or plasticizers will leach out from the more highly oxygenated water.
[SIDE NOTE: A company called sotainstruments.com has a nice electrical blood cleaner Silver Pulser with a Silver Colloid making jack, but I think your deep tissue cleansing could be done faster with their Magnetic Pulser. Delivery takes a while. Call and ask if used units would be cheaper and faster, or if there is a practitioner in your area using these.]
DAY FOUR: What exposures to toxins have you had in your life? Industrial chemicals like nitrate fertilizers? Heavy Metals from welding fumes? Some exposure would seem to have to be what opened the way for this opportunistic infection. Take 50 mg. of Alpha Lipoic Acid at this stage, a fat and water soluble antioxidant. Once a day WITH A MEAL will chelate out heavy metals and remove toxins should do it.
DAY FIVE: Lysine is a corn-derived amino acid which is anti-viral. Get on this, 1-5 grams daily with meals, after you've primed your system for success. You don't want to create a "survival of the fittest" virus environment, so you must get ready with the foregoing steps. You want to have already corrected hydration, oxygenation, and pH so the viruses can't "fall back" to tissue that still encourages their proliferation. You want to make this a slam-dunk.
DAY SIX: Niacinamide is a vascular relaxant which will now let your circulation strike in and deep clean this viral infection. You don't need much, but take it daily. Now you are going deeper into the capillaries after the outer passageways are already cleaned up. Use this only after your clean-up when you are sure you will be driving in good stuff, not driving in virus infection.
When someone has an exotic and catastrophic blow-out of some tissue group, I am always suspicious of nitrate/nitrite exposure. NO PRESERVED MEATS! NONE! Nothing with
nitrates /
nitrites if you want to have your red blood cells feeding oxygen to your system. NO nitrate fertilizer exposure.
Make sure you have clean air by using a high-tech pleated or electronic filter in your air handling system. Clean up the defroster pan under the refrigerator with bleach to make sure you aren't cooking up some Legionaire's Disease in there. Bleach any sump system if you have one. Otherwise, avoid household and lawn chemicals and bug sprays. Print up this protocol and use or refine it as you continue your research. God bless you! nordskoven@yahoo.com