--You will not find the answers here to agree with "Your" Deception"----
Hi Hveragethi,
Your Basic comment: ---"If you think I am lying then show me even one post where he has responded to me with even one shred of verifiable real evidence. And no, I am not talking about --testimonials--, which are --not evidence."--
Answer: This is really SAD that ALL the Honest Fine Folks whom have found Healing on this forum with the Free Truths that are being shared to help them find Healing, when they became willing to learn Personal Responsibility are now being told by Hveragerthi, that the Healing Success they have found for themself is a Bunch of Nonsense, because it really isn't Good enough Evidence???????
All I have to say is that if I was one of these folks whom have found Healing and shared my Success Testimonial, I would not think to Highly of someone --Implying-- I was a Liar and didn't know what I was talking about and that just because I had found Healing didn't count in his Medical circles !
After all, what is more Important?
Getting Actual Healing Results --or-- the person thinking one is Correct and not getting Actual Healing Results?
Cause and Effect !
We can call a Black Cow, White all day long,because we saw some white specks in it's Bowel movement, but it still does not make the Black Cow, White !
Smile Tis your choice.