There are so many warnings concerning anal sex. First, it is vital to wear a condom due to ecoli bacteria from the rectum. Next, to not go from rectum to vagina for same reason...dangerous bacteria. Another warning is if the male gets too rough it can cause tears and bleeding. In p 0 r n you may see anal sex but it probably took a long time to condition the rectum to handle that kind of activity.
A woman's body is made to accomadate the birth of a baby from the vagina not the rectum. I hope you will consider all the possible outcomes before you possibly do any long lasting damage to your body. Who knows what the long term effect those that have become use to anal sex will have. I wonder how they are able to keep their bowel movements from just falling out after stretching their rectum to be so large. Things to ponder. It's all right to want to please our mate but we shouldn't have to do it to the detrement of our health. There are are safer ways to spice up the love life.