Re: amazing how this manchild will ruin the country
The NWO uses conservatism to brainwash citizens with faith based big religion and to support war
How does big religion brainwash citizens? How do you know the war isn't being fought for just causes? For all you know they don't want to terrorists to get their hands on those uranium mines in Iraq and use funding to build suitcase weapons.
and liberalism to seperate the family structure and demasculinate the male population.
Yes, it seems to be good at doing that.
This keeps the population dumbed down, weak, disorganized, and distracted.
Wrong, our high school and many of our college education systems do just that.
The NWO clan knows the power of family and generational legacy, which is why they don't want you to have it.
The power of family and generational legacy? So I guess you are referring to how wealth and fame is passed on through the generations.