Re: emotions and fasting
This is my first fast so I can't speak from experience on the problem of fasting bringing on
Depression but I do know that emotions are very different from clinical depression. I know for many people food covers up emotions that would otherwise come to the surface. When fasting that comfort has been removed and therefore those emotions come to the surface. Maybe sometimes people might mistake emotions for depression, but they are two very different things, in my view anyway. I do know that for me fasting won't bring on
Depression but I might experience emotional times and I'm very well prepared to get through those times.
I agree with Steve, I think if you had a tendency toward
Depression before fasting that might be greatly magnified during the fast, but I don't think fasting would bring about depression in an otherwise healthy person.
Of course this is just my opinion, I have no medical proof. My common sense tells me that fasting will not bring about depression but I can see that its always good to discuss things like this so that people will be prepared for what might be revealed during their fast. Someone, I think it was latinmess said that fasting was like peeling an onion and I would have to agree with that, layer by layer emotions that have been hidden with food will come to the surface when you stop eating.