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Re: They call this "change"?
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,986
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Re: They call this "change"?

Carol -

I will readilly agree with you that America was better off in many, many ways under the eight years of the Clinton administration.  War, poverty, crime, unemployment, welfare, wages, standard of living, budget surpluses, international respect - hard to argue no matter how the Republicans try.  In retrospect though, true conservatives (as opposed to the Cheney neo-cons who deserted conservative principles and led us into bigger government, loss of freedoms and wars of mass deception) can make a very good point that it was many of the Clinton policies - such as the housing and lending policies - that that led to the mortgage lending abuses and subsequent inflated investment packages that precipitated the current crisis.

But here is the rub - that is the way the game is set up to advance the NWO agenda from both sides of a dog and pony show that you and others thinks is real.  It isn't.  The global elite control both parties in our rigged system and they use both parties to advance their agenda to ultimately enslave us all from different angles according to what party is theoretically "in power".

Socialism and other NWO agendas advance under the Democrats and corporate fascism and welfare advance under the Republicans.  Loss of freedoms happens under both.  If we keep focusing only on who appears to be superficially better instead of who is controlling both sides and gaming all of us in a relentless march towards global servitude we will someday wakeup and realize that the American dream has ended.

Instead of worrying about, for example, a woman's right to choose we will someday be worried about a woman's right to conceive.  Instead of worrying about housing and jobs, we will be told where we live and what kind of job we must perform.  And that is the "lucky ones" who are not eliminated as excess population above what is needed to serve the elite.

Obama, like many before him, said what the people wanted to hear - no matter how impossible to accomplish.  The country was hurting and wanted someone who promised to make it all better.  Promises are easy, it is the actual doing when we are already out of money that is the hard part.  He's using the same insiders and he is taking the same failed approach of trying to spend our way out of debt that is going to make the ultimate price that much more painful - and he is ultimately taking his orders from the same people who are getting the bailouts just like Bush and his many predecessors did.



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