--Evidence?? for H???--
Hi H???,
Your comment: LOL!! You are like a little kid. I mentioned your having to protect your massive ego, and now you are using that on me. The old "I am rubber and your are glue" defense. Grow up!!! I mentioned your ego because you REFUSE to accept you are wrong no matter how much evidence is presented to you that you are wrong.
As for what you call evidence, your so called testimonials are hardly evidence. Anyone can make up fake testimonials. Not to mention the fact that many people rely on various therapies. There is no way to tell what works and what does not work without some type of controlled monitoring. All this proves is how desperate you are to feed your ego. "Oh, it had to be what I told them to do since nothing else that they may have been doing could have worked!". So is your swollen head also from acidity?
As for cross posting, you will find your posts cross posted to other forums. So either you are cross posting them or you need to talk to the moderator to stop them from being automatically cross posted.
So when you are ready to start posting REAL evidence of your claims let me know. And if you can ever figure out the answers to my VERY SIMPLE medical questions that you have been avoiding answering let me know.
Answer: It is really Sad that you are now calling --ALL- of these folks Liars:
Check out --ALL-- of the Success Testimonials "Following" this Link:
It would seem that if one was really interested in helping folks learn to Heal that he would --NOT-- call them all Liars for their Success in learning to Heal themself with the Free info provided?
Could this be the sign of a person who has become Educated beyond their own Intelligence?
Lucifer got the same problem of a Big Head and look where it got him, now he is Satan the Devil himself !
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.