Very interesting! I've seen you mention the possibility of Lyme to people before, and I'm sure most people think that because they haven't seen the "bullseye" or been bit by a tick, or other carrier, that there's no way they could possibly have it. The video I was watching of people with Lyme's on the Klinghardt website, shows what most people think has to happen for someone to be infected with Lyme' they couldn't possibly have it themselves.
From your post:
>>> The destruction arising from leaving undetected Lyme Disease untreated may be immediately evident or may occur in the near or distant future as is also true of its close cousin syphilis. Yes, Lyme Disease can be spread venereally and in several other ways. So a "bite" may never have occurred and the classic "erythema migrans" rash may never be observed.<<<<<
My husband just got done reading " parasite Rex", and commented on what it was saying about the "Immune-free zone" like you've said before about Tapeworm cysts (and Lyme).