Re: Not gallstones?
Since others came to my defense, I feel the need to return the favor.
"Right so Im just a retard who doesnt know what hes talking about ,brilliant reply!"
-She didn't say that, and that wasn't her reply- quit putting words in peoples mouth and making false acuusations.
"Listen I was tested with
Gallstones and an impacted gallbladder I did the flushes and the gallbadder was clean, is this just my imagination? lol!"
-Like I mentioned in my original post, it is not impossible that stones small enough can pass. Those that are too large to pass through the ducts cannot be removed naturally- pay attention. I truly hope you successfully rid yourself of the stones, using whatever method- I hope to do the same.
"You people beliteve what some stranger with zero experience promotes to you then that someone with real life experience!"
-Regardless of what experience you've had, you had not relayed any supporting arguements or facts to help bolster your position- all you did was toss insults and make false accusations.... that's normally the result when you respond like an 8 year old.
"There are scientific studies that can get any results they want and the medical establishment has done a study with premeditated bias on almost every alternative protocol in existence and particularly ones that work! This forum receives a steady input of med trolls who without any experience and any real proof dicredit these flushes ,they also know that it doesnt matter if they have no real proof and the studies are lacking in substance they will send in the trolls any way because skepticism will do plenty of damage on its own, especially to those new to these ideas! It a well planned effort!"
-This statement is bias in itself. You berate them for not listening to you, while at the same time you disregard and ignore the material presented to you and completely disregard all the questions posed back to you asking to clarify or support your statements.
"Besides if you where really interested in the truth you would have read the archives here and the testimony and known that your studies have been debunked by studies with real people involved and you would also know that many have produced stones without taking any oils ! aha but these studies arent funded by the medical establishment you say! Well thats the point!"
-They made no mention or arguement about anything stated that 'wasn't funded by the medical establishment'. You pull this out of thin air just as you have been doing throughout your posts in this string- and you wonder why they have a hard time accepting what your telling them?
"Listen I know I had stones and I know they where passed in the flushes, so say want you want but please don't even think of patronizing people with their own proof!
I am so gald that I didnt listen people like you before I did my flushes ! I would be many thousands of dollars poorer and have no gallbladder and a life time of the bad side effects of having it removed ! The two people I know who have had them removed are the unheathiest people I know!"
-Nobody stated you hadn't passed your stones, and nobody patronized you for stating so. So where is all this coming from? I am sincerely happy you saved yourself the $$ for surgery, and I am hoping to do the same.