Honey is a glorious food that tastes so good.here in central Illinois the honey is often influenced by the diet of the bees.If the honey is collected after the bees hit the clover fields the honey is dark and very fluid with an abundance of sucrose.Which is great for pouring but not so great for blood Sugar control.One could sumize that bees with a more diverse diet would have a better quality of honey.Thats why I buy honey from northern canada which is certified organic and it is much thicker and full of smoothness.It also costs 4 times that of local honey but I figure what the heck a few pounds will last a long time.Taste in a sweetner may be worth the money all by itself.I love to mix some honey with coconut cream and stir well then add some soaked nuts brazil or cashew work well with this.I get my coconut cream and exspensive/honey at tropicaltraditions.com.Where did you get your wild honey from?Jeff