Bad chelating protocols &(metals/parasites/candida)
Thank you for posting that.
I think it's important that people hear the "horror stories" of what can happen when chelating is done improperly. So sorry to hear of the consequences you've had to go through. One woman that has been emailing me, has had thousands of $ worth of medical bills in trying to address long-term health issues from blindly trusting that a physician knew what he was doing in chelating too.
I was reading some of your other posts on other forums. People do need to know, it's not something to jump right into.
BTW--IMO, Newport's the one that really knows his stuff about what you just said. If you click on his name, and start reading his back posts- you'll read alot about the connections of metals/parasites/candida.
(oops I got the post ahead of yours)
>>>>My experience is that Metals, Candida and
parasites go hand in hand. And you will be upsetting a balance of power when you go after one. I am thinking I am not only very sensitive to mercury, but I also had quite a candida and
parasite problem held in place by mercury. So the improper protocol made me very sick by redistributing mercury which I am super sensitive to, upset a balance of power between my body's defenses, candida, and parasites. My body has definitely received quite a shock from all of this. You really need to read up on others experiences, Andy Cutler's book, and know your body.