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If you actually go to those links you will find out differently
Dquixote1217 Views: 972
Published: 17 y
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If you actually go to those links you will find out differently

If you actually go to those links, as I did months ago when I began receiving the exact same message you posted in emails which included the same links you just posted, you will actually find that the information posted on Snopes is correct.

(You see that is the thing and that is why I jumped on the message.  I had gotten it months ago and followed it to the links and found the errors contained throughout the message.  It is a common trick in bogus emails to list links that don't really confirm the message.  Often, such messages will even say "confirmed by Snopes", but when you go to Snopes you find out just the opposite.)

For example, the message you posted assumes a return to the pre-Bush tax cuts, but Obama's proposed taxes only restore the pre-Bush tax rates on incomes above $250,000 and actually add additional tax cuts to most incomes below it.


Here's how the average tax bill could change in 2009 if either John McCain's or Barack Obama's tax proposals were fully in place.
Income Avg. tax bill Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M -$269,364 +$701,885
$603K and up -$45,361 +$115,974
$227K-$603K -$7,871 +$12
$161K-$227K -$4,380 -$2,789
$112K-$161K -$2,614 -$2,204
$66K-$112K -$1,009 -$1,290
$38K-$66K -$319 -$1,042
$19K-$38K -$113 -$892
Under $19K -$19 -$567

Source:The Tax Policy Center

So the truth is that unless you make over $227,000 a year (90% do not make that much) you will not see your taxes go up - though those who make much over $150,000 might see a greater reduction in taxes (which still leaves out over 80% of the population).

Meds?  I take no meds and have not for decades - how bout you?




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