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Some People Have to Work...
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Some People Have to Work...

Obama's main attraction is from people who don't work, want to suck off the tit of government, and are obsequiously grovelling for their master to release them from oppression. Except the oppression is self created, because it's their own angst!

Like the self loving liberals who unctuously congratulate themselves endlessly at vacuous self serving award ceremonies, the Obamabot crowd is infatuated with glamour and vanity.

They flock to see the Messiah just like they do at an academy award ceremony. They love theatrics, styrofoam pillars. They are sucked in by the glam and glitter of surface. It's the bread and circus crowd. A socialists wet dream.

They are idol worshippers. They hunger for a glimpse of the one who has arrived to part the waters. They fawn and grovel for his blessing.

McCain's voters, on the other hand, are hard at work, on the job supporting the American Way while paying their taxes so the socialist couch potatoes can pick their noses and worship the holy one promising free tickets, free health care, free welfare, and sharing the wealth so the masses can have their fantasies fulfilled.

McCain's voters don't need no Messiah. They look inside for direction. They look towards the values of supporting life, not sucking it dry.

They look toward hard work and sacrifice in their process of realization, and not to government, the parasitic vampire of more regulation and control. They believe in freedom, and individual rights, and not predatory socialistic suffocation.

So yes, there is a difference between the crowds. One group of voters understands and sees through phony promises of false hope, and fake change, and the other group, well the other group...

just doesn't get it.



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