Hello all, I have been reading this forum and utilizing the information and support for sometime, and felt like, ok, now its time to join in. I have successfully completed 3 fasts. 2 5-day pure water fasts and a 7 day juice fast. I have tried TERRIBLY to get past that 5 or 7 day mark, and it is a BEASTY for me. I tend to do well during the week, but as soon as the weekend hits...it all goes out the window. I can attest to the benefits I have felt, but there are a few things that I really want to experience healthwise and mentally that I believe require at least that 10 day or so fast. I need YOUR encouragement to get past that plateau...I feel like if I can make it just 1 time past the weekend. I may actually experience one of the longest fasts ever. Has anyone else had that issue. Good during the week, and then its like...pressure, pressure. I have meditated deeply for this fast to prepare my mind, and remove the fear. I will post progress daily.....
DAY 2 - Back of my head is killing me..lol...I did a light massage last night...let the toxins flow...