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Re: Good thread, V!
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Published: 17 y
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Re: Good thread, V!

For a lot of people, mercury tox is like spiders. They react squeamishly, and believe they need to ingest mass quantities of artificial, synthetic molecules like "ALA", "DMPS", "DMSA", etc., which "reefer madness" makes them stumble, later regretting it only after they learned of known dangers associated with such behavior, that they did not know at the time.

As you can tell, I'm against such. I've had good success in my self using two things: 1) a healthy dose of patience; and 2) natural foods. It's because I have faith that the Maker made my body able to take care of the former mess, on its own, provided I give it what it needs to do the jobs it was designed for, without reliance on the principle that any man working in a lab to create artificial molecules, can outdo, GOD. Let them erect monuments to themselves.

I'll never regret not having pursued "chelation protocols".

I realize some are in favor of same, and respect their choice and freedom to do what they please with their own bodies. One question they will need to tackle, if their minds are enquiring enough is, how they are going to detox their bodies of the tangled proteins caused by ingestion of the artificial chelants. Life indeed does prevent many challenges. Soon as the aluminum heads on that engine cool off, I'm going to go pull the spark plugs. Meantime, it's CZ and a beer.


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