Re: The great psychiatry HOAX
thank you to post this to show the world the truth about this pseudoscience profession known as "psychiatry". the harm these criminals do to people is unimaginable to say the least.
as message to psychiatrists, psychologists and anybody working or wanting to work in the pseudoscience mental health field.
I can't believe how disgusting you people are choosing a fraudulent criminal profession like psychiatry with your only intent to make money by destroying people's lives and family with this dangerous criminal pseudoscience. Don't you feel any shame? Do you think society will respect you? Do you understand what psychiatry is? You have all been brainwashed by your teaching profession and medical school to study a pseudoscience that is as scientific as horoscope reading. Repent criminals. This choice you make in being a psychiatrist will haunt you forever and when you answer to god you will know the wrath he will do to you. You believe that a so called "known brain lesion" called a "chemical imbalance" is calling so called "mental illness" with not a shred of scientific or credible evidence to prove it. Where is the
Science behind your invented theories with no pathologic
Science behind it? You truly believe that a marketing tactic called a "chemical imbalance "brain lesion" is causing a so called "mental illness" a disease or malfunctioning to the neuraltransmitters? What a laughing stock of idiots you people are. Do you know psychiatry will one day be destroyed? You have all wasted many years of studying a pseudoscience bull**** that is short of a future. Psychiatry is being exposed as a fraud everyday and the whole world is starting to know the truth. You people can't hide your lies and fraud for long. Thank's to scientology they have made the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industry lose more than 10 billion in drug sales in one year. There is more work to be done to stop your pseudoscience and bring truth to society and i am one of those people. Let it be known, we are everywhere and we workd 24 hours a day around the clock to stop your criminal empire. We have made useful attacks and dented the financial sector of psychiatry and its parent advertising drug firms. Enjoy your pseudoscience idiots.