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Liberal and conservative summed up quite nicely
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Liberal and conservative summed up quite nicely

I couldn't have said it better. What does liberal mean nowadays? It certainly isn't what it meant many years ago. Liberal in today's context is the nastiest, least tolerant ideology I've ever had the misfortune to run across. It's communism through and through, the nanny state. Quite the opposite of what it's supposed to mean, but then again, it seems we are living Orwell's 1984, so maybe it's exactly what it's supposed to be? Wasn't it all backwards in 1984? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm confused.
I don't think I need to say anything about the neocons. There's a terrorist in the White House, the iron fist of Big Brother is about to come down, and there's no talking sense to 90 percent of voters. They're stuck in a democrat/republican, liberal/conservative paradigm.
Come January the Messiah will be crowned. People like us are dinosaurs, DQ. We don't live in America anymore.

Isn't there ANYWHERE for the rest of us to go?



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