I can only imagine the praise that would be heaped on Powell in this forum if he had endorsed McCain instead.
One wonders where all the condemnation was when Powell got hung out to dry by Bush in his presentation before the UN with false intelligence and the Bay of Pigs like reversal when he made an appeal for the Kyoto accords only to have Bush withdraw support because it would be detrimental to the profits of America's big business if they had to join the vast majority of the rest of the world and further lower the amount of toxic waste they spew into the environment.
Bull-loney! Colin Powell and Christopher Buckley would both be called conservatives and heaped with praise if they had endorsed McCain. Since they did not, they are condemned as liberals.
The hypocrisy reeks.
Right you are - Bush betrayed conservatism, just as he betrayed everyone except his true masters. He sent our young soldiers off to die in wars of mass deception so the big oil and Halliburtons could enrich themselves, took away precious liberties under the false guise of protecting our freedoms, oversaw our financial collapse and then added fuel to the fire by bailing out those who profited by it, doomed America's image around the world, and in the process doomed his own party. In doing so he was merely following orders and helping further the agenda of the NWO in their march towards a one world goverment.
Now that the damage has been done from the Republican side it is the Democrats turn to play their roles. as was planned all along. Look at the pathetic ticket the Republicans put together - and intemperate, aging and likely dying McCain whom virtually no one liked and a hockey mom beauty queen with no experience who gets healed of evil spirits by witch doctors? Doomed, absolutely doomed. But just in case there was too much backlash or some kind of October surprice, McCain was in their corner too as the backup plan. As it is, he is merely the good soldier offering token resistance.
Unless he steps out of line or takes the Messiah label too seriously, it shapes up as Obama in a landslide. But you can never rule out a last minute switcheroo - too many Diebold machines out there.
I shudder to think of the socialistic programs and agenda that may ensue from an Obama administration and a filibuster proof House and Senate. But I also shudder at a more of the same McCain and what might happen if he won and failed to survive his term. You just have to know what kind of advisors would be put into place to pull Palin's clueless strings.
You sure do like to throw the liberal label around. That has to explain why I supported Ron Paul and his call for a return to a Constitutional Republic, taking over the Fed and abolishing the income tax.
I once was a liberal until I realized that liberalism too often is merely socialism and a path to communism. Conservatism on the other hand has been largely co-opted by neo-conservatism and it too is a path to totalitarianism and loss of freedoms.
Instead of us fighting one another over who is the least worst of two controlled puppets, perhaps we should say look, I just think your guy is more dangerous than mine but regardless of who is elected we all better wake up or the land of our founders will be just a footnote in history as a grand, yet failed experiment.