I'm 17, and I have (minor, i think)Cystic acne. i have 1-2 bumbs on my forehead, which i have researched, and narrowed down to be cystic acne. The rest of my complexion is pretty good so they stand out in contrast. I am getting some prescriiptions from my doctor (2 creams, 1 oral pills) and they just don't seem to do anything. I have changed my diet to almost no fatty foods, and no red meats, and have been washing my face 2-3 times a day. I work out ALOT!! I run 5-6 miles a day and do a series of weight based workouts for about an hour a day. When i'm in doors, everything seems all as well...But when i work out, outside in the sun, my Acne seems to flare up becoming red and sensitive. Should i cease to do this, or what?