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Your opinion doe not determine who is a conservative
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,409
Published: 17 y
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Your opinion doe not determine who is a conservative

Christopher Buckley is almost universally considered to be a conservative and he describes himself as one.  Since he has endorsed Obama, you may wish to label him as not being a conservative, but, as is often the case here, your opinion does not make someting a fact.

Whacha gonna do next - tell us that Colin Powell is a liberal?  Or maybe write me another poem?

Christopher Buckley: A conservative for Obama

By Michael O. Powell

The son of William F. Buckley supports Obama.

During an interview on the San Francisco NPR station KQED’s program “Forum,” author Christopher Buckley, the son of National Review founder William F. Buckley, said he is likely to vote for Obama. Pointing out that Obama is “left wing,” while he is a conservative, he stated that with the current economic turmoil President Bush is looking like “Herbert Hoover 2” and that McCain would be a continuation of Bush Administration policies.



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