17 y
Wishful Thinking-A Common Liberal Trait
Wishful thinking- a delusional quality which is a disconnect from reality. One who is wishful is incapable of grasping the truth but is adept at reading between the lines.
You are easily suc***ed by a headline that has a fragile relationship to the
actual content of the article.
Why? because its easier to jump to a conclusion that your emotions desire rather than actually checking out the facts.
A limbic, or emotional modus is why the liberals just don't get it. Facts are irrelevant to an emotionally tilted individual. This is why liberalsim is a mental disorder. They are emotionally disturbed.
They are so enamored with their self loving ways they cannot clearly and rationally reach a logical conclusion.
Anyone can "interpret" anything they like. This is what liberals do. They "interpret" as they see fit because they have a rabid need for self gratification. This is very much like like Biden who is the serial plagiarist and pathological egomaniac. This is exactly why liberals love their politicians. It's because they see themselves in the mirror. This is a case of classical narcissism.
George Will did not endorse Obama. And Buckly is NOT a conservative. So go ahead and jump to conclusions which are in no way apparent. You have a need to bolster your fragile ego with nonsensical statements that have no bearing to the truth.
Nice try. But no cigar.