17 y
Re: Wishful Thinking-A Common Liberal Trait
From what I've seen on this forum, you could easily be replacing the word "liberal" with "conservative".
I shocked at the level of knee jerk emotional reactions from the "right" on this forum. And racism, hate mongering, and useless banal posts that contain one line of nothing but statements that have nothing to do with the political race. Constant rants of "you liberal blah blah". Even when someone posts something antithesis to the persons views, most of the time you just get a rant.
I've tried, consistently to get someone to talk about issues. I've truly tried to debate things that have nothing to do with the "character" of the candidates.
Well I've given up.
Rather this forum is sort of like going to the playground playing Red Rover, or Storm the Castle.
How can you say that Buckley is not a conservative? If you don't think Buckley is a conservative, then I have no idea where you are conservatively speaking....yikes. I thought that Buckley was almost as far right as a human could go.