16 y
Please Cancel my Mod Privileges
I banned Dariush Sweden and he sent me this-
Thanks for banning me, bi*ch. What is wrong with you. Can't let ppl express themselves? Afraid someone with a
Science background can do what took you 5 years in 5 months? Afraid of change, of perspectives, of rational thinking. Go on about eggheads in labs while you have no
Science background or the slightest understanding and go on about snorting bloodroot. I have discovered and helped more ppl in the last 6 month than you have been able to in the past 3 years here. No go and "scram" you m*o*o*n hepatatis c infected s**t.
and this
oh and I was not "verbally abusive" to you before. You were talking christ conscousness and free will, both which are refuted by modern science, I know
Science is an obscure word for you since you still live in the dark ages and go to church. God is dead, he died over 100 years ago, havent you heard you m*o*o*n imbecille.
Somebody has let him back in.
I do not care to waste any more of my time moderating the
parasite Forum since my decisions do not stand. Please cancel my moderator privileges.