23 y
Re: Sudden Problems with Liver Flush
I am experiencing similar problems just after my 4th flush. 5 days after the cleanse i still feel really really bad, have a diahorrea, and generally feel disoriented and lack energy. I don't have severe pain, but nausea yes very much. I have found that taking the
parasite herbs, especially the Cloves, just before any meals helps to an extent.
I have similar suspisions about the regular use of
Epsom Salts . My naturopathy doctor has actually advised me against excessive use of
Epsom Salts . He says it is better to use a gut-friendly laxative instead, on the day of the cleanse. Or do a fast from the day before to keep the intestines free. If u find out anyhting new, please do let me know, as it will be of immense help.
About your Gallbladder removel surgery, i don't think it's a very good thing. Instead you can go in for, Gallbladder-Stone-Removal surgery, if your condition is very acute. It's just a 2-3 hour operation, and you'll be normal in 2 days. One of my neighbours in her 40's got it done. They removed many stones, but she still has her gallbladder intact.
Hope this helps.
Good luck, and Great health.