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Re: Sudden Problems with Liver Flush
Fil Views: 1,277
Published: 23 y
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Re: Sudden Problems with Liver Flush

Absolutely. You don't need to use Epsom Salts . They are said to relax the bile ducts but I have not read conclusive reports on this other than that Hulda Clark says it in her book (others may have more info than this). I have done 3 flushes without the ES just as successfully. It is better to fast for a couple of days first so there is not as much faecal matter clogging you up. Use an enema on the day you drink the oil (perhaps in the morning to give you time to get it all out). There are other recipes posted on this site. I did two that involved drinking up to 2 cups of oil interspersed with fresh lemon juice spread out over 2 hours. These were my most successful flushes. The other one involved a liter of apple juice a day for a week, then a cup of oil and a cup of grapefruit juice shaken together and drunk just before bed - also successful.

Have you tried any herbs eg. Julia Chang's site with info on chinese herbs to break down the stones. or liver support herbs. Don't give up, be gentle on yourself. Listen to your body - it knows what to do.

Have you had any more ultrasounds after doing so many flushes? what are the size of your stones? any info on the condition of your GB? how about your liver? have you had any relief of symptoms? has your health changed at all?

If you can give us some more specific and detailed info I'm sure lots of people will have lots of feedback and support for you.

Don't give up!! You can find the door to perfect health - and you will!!


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