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Re: Second Flush - MAJOR PROBLEM
Paint Lady Views: 2,083
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 127,133

Re: Second Flush - MAJOR PROBLEM

Are you using the powder or the liquid? I use the liquid and have to take a whole bottle (10oz) of it to be effective. It will cause burning in your stomach if it's not cleared out enough and you need to drink water before and after just like when you drink the Epsom Salts . I have not eaten anything for at least 6 hours before taking the mag citrate in the past(trying a different method this time). This way it kind of washes through you taking whatever is left in your bowels with it. The bottle states that it can take up to 6 hours to be effective but if you have waited a length of time since eating it shouldn't take that long.

Did you take the mag citrate at the same time as you took the oil? I think that would definitly cause a problem. I wait till all the runs to the bathroom are over and my last ones should be pure liquid before I take the oil.

My guess as to what happened is that your liver contracted so hard that it pushed the oil and grapefruit back up into your stomach. It's a miracle that you managed to keep it down all night. Mine usually comes right out when that happens. My other guess is that for some reason your digestion is extreemly slow and it took all night before the liver contracted.

I know of only two things that cause slow digestion though I'm sure there are a ton more. One is if you are coming down with the flu. I'm sure we have all had the experience of throwing up food that should have been long gone when we had the flu. The other would be if you are in desperate need of a thourough colon cleansing.

Hopefully I've given you some ideas to at least consider.

Take care,



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