Re: ZAPPERS - Who has had experience?
Hi Deborah,
I've had experience with both the zapper and the herbals for getting rid of parasites. I was a skeptic both times when I tried them.
I tried the herbals about a year and a half ago for the first time. Surprisingly I passed worms and decided that people really can get parasites. If you check my old posts you can get more detail of the types of worms.
This year I made my own zapper and even though I had already been on the herbals for 8 weeks I passed more parasites. This surprised me because first of all I was a little skeptical about using an electrical current to get rid of bacteria, funguses and other types of
parasites and secondly I thought that they would have died with the herbals. I am a believer now and you can see a post I made about it under the
Zapper Forum on bartholin cyst which continues to improve. When I first started doing the zapper I could litterally feel something moving in my body in different places. It grossed me out but I don't have that sensation any more so I guess they are all dead. I've been using it about two weeks now. Because of the bartholin cyst I intend to treat it as a pre-cancer type of thing and zap for about 4 months or untill it's completly healed.
You really ought to do the
parasite cleanse before or after the
Liver Flush not at the same time. I wouldn't stress my body more by takeing herbs the day of the liver flush.
Take care,
Who is still having problems with passwords.