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Re: Hundreds of face creams. Are any worth the money?
RunningBlind Views: 2,826
Published: 17 y
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Re: Hundreds of face creams. Are any worth the money?

Carrot Juice. Seriously. Even if you mix it with apples or something so it tastes better. Drink a good glass or 2 of that a day. My skin always looks better on a fast and it's because of the carrot juice.. (when I do the MC, I just get pale and zits although its supposedly detox..whatever) Every time I go off a fast and slack on drinking any juices I lose it. But just drinking 2 10-16oz glasses of carrot juice a day and it looks good again. And no, the bottled stuff isn't the same.

As for Creams - Something like this would be good.

Expensive, but no chemicals.

Stay away from Chemicals. It's short term fix. I don't know how old you are but look at women who use a bunch of creams and caked on makeup, the general unhealthy and yucky look to their skin shows through as they get even older and the makeup is less effective. Get that "youthful" look you want from the inside.


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