Well it sounds as if you are on the right track. Get and use the oregano oil and maybe mix it with olive leaf tincture or powder .Pau d'aco is another great tea you can prepare. It is anti fungal and is not nice to bugs either. I believe iodine is good also and most importantly get a distiller for your water. I have a countertop one from Waterwise and they are not too expensive. You want to put as little stress on your liver as possible. Clean and rebuild.
I am sure you know the basics of no processed foods or soft drinks or sugar etc. You want to clean up your body and not overwork your liver or lymph. Can you get a small rebounder or trampoline? Jumping on it while deep breathing is great for getting the oxygen in.
Just keep reading the forums and listen to the radio broadcasts that Barefoot and Dr Sutter are on.