Re: Question for Doc Sutter
I had my amalgams replaced with some type of newer composite after I DISCOVERED Curezone. I am not a purist, but I am sure that what I have now is better than what I had before. However even if you replace them, it is no cure for what ails you... just another thing on the list of what to do along the way.
So if you can not do this (financially or otherwise), go ahead and do the program anyway and I am very sure you will see some benefits.
For me the main things were taking Barefoot's De-wormer and doing all of the liver cleanses exactly as Dr Sutter prescribes in his book and cd. Be a chump and BUY them. They are inexpensive and well worth your while. There really is NO formula as to how many liver cleanses one might need, you just have to go on how you feel. But generally if you are very ill, I would say one every 2 weeks is a good start.
It really is a big commitment in time and energy and faith but if you are willing to suspend belief it may be well worth your while. I have had excellent results. You have many mentors here. It took me over a year to feel better but I continued as to me there really was no alternative I could believe in. I live in NYC and have been to the best of the best with no long term help.
If you are in earnst about really wanting to get better, then read all of the older posts starting from p1. Invest in Barefoot's products, especially the De-wormer for at least 6 mos, invest in a water distiller and do the cleanses as per this forum. Do not deviate at the vital junctions. If you can not commit to at least this, then you are lost.
I am not so certain about the oil pulling but if it works for you....
Best Thoughts etc