Re: Here's a thought...
I agree with what you're saying, The message I'm trying to convey is that it is a misconception to state that alternative health is a cure. It is not a cure, It is, simply put, a lifestyle. Alot of the backlash from the "squares" comes from the idea that alternative healthcare is touted as a cure, when in reality it is no more a cure than conventional medicine. It is a way of thinking, and it is just a way to live your life, the healthy way. Many times I have gone to conventional doctors and they prescribe a pill or an ointment but never tell you to change what you're doing. They never tell you "stop eating this" or "stop doing that", they just tell you "after you eat this or do this, and it f**ks you up, just take 2 of these and you should start to feel better" so people blindly become dependent on those magical (but no doubt harmful) bottle of pills but never realize that in order to stop those problems from coming on is to change their disgusting habits. They never stop to think that maybe the reason they're having these problems is because of their own doing. But your doctor knows, and after you've paid your dues and left the office, he can chuckle at your expense with the office staff. "look at that fat pig, and he WONDERS why he's so sick"