One only has to look at Obama's facial characteristics to see that he has got some soul brother in him. What percent? I don't know and I don't really care. That isn't the reason I am voting for him. There are not a lot of pure breds left in this world, whether we are talking about race or religion. It is interesting to note that some of the people on these boards who are always crying about the zionists and the NWO are also trying to say that Obama is muslim and one of them. Obama is still a relatively unknown entity. It is impossible to predict how his presidency will turn out if he is elected. He could be great or he could completely blow it. I am not saying that he will be another Lincoln, but who would have predicted that Lincoln would be the leader he was during the Civil War. And no, I don't blame all of the problems we are having now to Lincoln and some of the things the Conspiracy theorists like to pin him with.