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Re: On Obama
health_deva Views: 1,872
Published: 17 y
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Re: On Obama

Wow, that writer spent alot of time and energy on a rather inconsequential aspect of Obama -- his heritage. Who the heck cares about this stuff except apparently you and this writer. Our country is collapsing as we speak and all you want to talk about is Obama's percentage of blackness and heritage? No wonder the rest of the world thinks we're nuts!

"What amazes me more than anything else about Mr. Obama’s heritage is the unwillingness of anyone in the journalism profession to want to know the truth."

The "truth" about what? That maybe he is actually more white than black? If so, on that basis, wouldn't one have to conclude that he's likely more Christian than Muslim? This piece isn't about whether Obama "lied" about his heritage, but rather about trying to prove Obama is a closet Muslim. Bigotry is so unattractive.

Obama's faith is his personal choice... he says he's a Christian and I believe him. If he decides to become a Muslim, or pagan, or atheist, or Jew in the future is of no concern to me. Though I doubt he will have time to pursue a spiritual transformation during his presidency as he will be inundated with trying to solve our country's HORRENDOUS PROBLEMS!!

One more thing... think about this now... do you really think Obama would convert to Islam while in office when he's all about serving two terms? Not likely.




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