Re: Evolutionists Seem To Be Panicking Over I.D.
First of all, I didn't say that I do not believe in ToE. I think it is a legitimate theory but only to a certain extent. What do you do to a computer then you want it do perform a new task? You have to program it with new information. The same thing goes with DNA. With evolution you can shuffle existing genes and create a new related species but you have to input new information into the genetic code to create new phylum.
Sure there is information on trilobites. I think there were approximately fourteen species and they survived many millions of years after their sudden appearance. They were all variations of each other and this I believe was an example of what can happen when genes become reshuffled.
When IDiots declare the universe is fine tuned, they are not making a primary observation, they are making a conclusion and introducing magical beings into the equation.
Have you ever heard of the cosmological constant? It says that the chances of getting a universe arranged the way it is 1 part in 10 to the 120th power. If I am right that is 1 chance over a 1 with 120 zeros after it. Common sense says that you must conclude that there was a supernatural explanation. This is just one sign out of many others that suggests universe was designed. Even our solar system suggests design. It sits comfortably between two spiral arms in this galaxy so it isn't exposed to dangerous radiation of the activity in the arms of the Milky Way.
Michael Behe's flagella has already proven to be false.
If you are referring to the bacteria that inject poison, this is just a point of view. I think Miller's mousetrap analogy with a device that fires spitballs was flawed. His finger and the spitballs are two new parts of a new irreducibly complex design but I don't think that was really his point. His veiw is just a point of view dictated from the neo-darwin paradigm. It also depends partly on someone changing of the definition of irreducible complexity.