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Re: Evolutionists Seem To Be Panicking Over I.D.

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dquixote1217 Views: 2,896
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Re: Evolutionists Seem To Be Panicking Over I.D.

Anderson Cooper? LOL

Does being in "the bible belt" preclude intelligence?

Although I can certainly see that there is a lack of sound agreement on just what teaching intelligent design might entail and how much of what passes for intelligent design theory could be considered merely religious myths in great part, some also might argue that the reason ID cannot be taught in schools is because Scientists cannot except that there might be any entity more knowledgeable and highly developed than themselves, even though a great truism about science appears to be that today's science often becomes tomorrow's de-bunked quackery.

Do not many scientists believe in the possiblity, if not the probability, of other intelligent life in the universe?  After all, it is a very big and very old universe (no I do not doubt the "scientific" age of the universe being billions of years old).  I have seen "scientific" estimates that some planets likely exist where there is life that are at least 5 million years further along than we are.  If such is true, then when one take humans at their present woeful stage of development (or some other life form at a similar stage of development) and gives them 5 million more years to develope, surely there is  a distinct possibility that they could have reached a point where their abilities and technologies would be truly "godlike" in comparison to we mere highly fallible mortals on this tiny speck in universe - even the almighty scientists.

And if such highly advanced beings existed, would that not give at least the possibility of entities existing who could design, create, and even guide the development of other life forms?  Perhaps including programming the genetic code itself for adaptation and survival.  Actually, I cannot see how someone could believe in evolution and not believe in such a possiblity - or at least not totally exclude it.

Just thinking out loud here, or trying to (you know how it is for us who are disadvantaged by being in "the bible belt").

You stated the two basic tenents of evolution.  I think there is onc in creation that science has never been able to adequately explain away.  How did the universe begin in the first place?  In other words, where did the very first matter come from.  How did it get created in other words.  Oops - there's that word . . .




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