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Re: Evolutionists Seem To Be Panicking Over I.D.
dquixote1217 Views: 3,000
Published: 17 y
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Re: Evolutionists Seem To Be Panicking Over I.D.

"Jerk" you say?  I merely remarked LOL because you just happen to have, or have chosen, the same name as a noted journalist and writer.  It is rare to see someone choose their real name here.  Got a phota?

It is also funny how you resemble someone else who comes newborn to the evolution and vaccination forums and immediately begins attacking other members by calling them "jerks" and further slurring them with terms like "ignorant" instead of sticking to the debate.  Pretty ballsy for a Newbie. aren't you "Anderson"?  Maybe you should do some scientific research on the CureZone TOS policies.

ToE stands for THEORY of evolution, does it not?  Lots of definitions for that word, such as "hypothesis", "conjecture", "speculation", etc.  As pertains to science it generally means "the general or abstract principles of a body of fact," or "the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another" but even so, nowhere is a theory itself defined as a fact.

Just to sit you at ease, I am fully aware of the reasons put forward as to why creationism should not be taught in schools.  The same reasons are often used by science poeple to protect what they believe is their turf.  Nevertheless, as it so happens I do not believe that religious creationism should be taught as science in schools either.  Perhaps as part of elective classes on religion, but certainly not as science.  And the ToE itself should be taught as a scientific theory based on a set of facts, because by definition it has not been completely proven regardless of the facts that have been presented to base the theory on.

BTW, since you seem so interested in correctness, the correct verb you should have used is "accept", as the other Anderson Cooper could have likely told you.  Taken literally, your sentence would be nonsense and not at all "scientific".




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