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Re: Being healed when the "time is right"?
trapper/kcmo Views: 3,782
Published: 17 y
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Re: Being healed when the "time is right"?

this is true also. what do people think the cross is that they are supposed to pick up and carry. it is the implement of their crucifixion experience. it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgement. the bible makes it clear that the first death is baptism. then its what you do with it that counts. but because they dont feel any different, they dont believe god that they have literally died. adam didnt believe it either, at first. but he died that very day.

what proves this is the couple in acts that sold land and werent honest about it. the spirit was keeping them alive and when the spirit left the body fell to the floor.

people should pay more attention to their god.


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