Hi Dr Sutter. I want to share this with you.
Dr Sutter,
I've been studying the effects of using very hot peppers, drinking 3 lemons a day, and rifing, on the critters that live inside me. Look at what I have found.
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I've read that you recommend your patients eat very spicy food. Keep it up. I'll bet some of these critters look familiar to you, after all those cleanses that you have gone through when agent orange was inside you.
The "twiggy fellows" are most strange. You know what's really weird about those guys, is that I actually found one on the hood of my truck! It had the exact same shape & everything. It's such a strange find, kinda makes me wonder.
I feel my website may be useful to flushers because in it, I describe, very vividly, the characteristics of a parasite laden poop, and contrast it with a normal poop. This cleans is also quite powerful, & easily available. The most expensive part of my machine is the 100 foot copper wire coil. I already had a great audio amplifier.
I enjoyed reading all of your online material, and can relate to some of it, and found the psychic vet part to be MOST fascinating, as well as the jurisdiction essay that you edited.