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Re: Crawling and biting under my skin HELP!
fledgling Views: 81,666
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Re: Crawling and biting under my skin HELP!

Hi, Chris,

Welcome to CureZone. There are many wise people here, and everyone cares about your well-being.

Though I couldn't possibly advise you...if I were in your spot, I'd RUN, not walk, to the nearest parasitologist.

And I'd keep going until I found one, at least, who knows his stuff!

I think you have the evidence to interest a team of parasitologists.

Maybe even a few veterinarians, too.

I've even seen a lab that studies parasite morphology, alone. They are connected to a well-known university...which could be another source of assistance to you. Check around.

You must have had a medical diagnosis, right?

Any doctor worth his salt would help you find experts. If you don't have a doctor, telephone your hospital and insist on seeing the best people around.

Even go to Emergency and demand immediate have the evidence to prove your urgent need.

This is the kind of case that makes medical news. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get free help.

There must be big hospitals who deal in such matters. Find them.

Now that I've scared you, and I apologize, do not worry. (Throw a shoe at me, I don't mind.) Do NOT worry!

Stress is a contributor to ailments.

But laughter rekindles energy. The very action of laughing/smiling, heals, even if nothing funny is going on at the time.

A man with a serious illness got himself kicked out of hospital for disturbing other patients with his laughing.

You don't get kicked out of hospital, especially in those days, without you are very much better.

And tack up your best pictures of yourself, when you were younger and stronger. I have done this, and I know it works...even if you forget to look at them. The subconscious doesn't can't forget a task you've assigned to it, clearly, maybe out loud.

Then, once you've said it once or twice, forget it. The subconscious MUST serve you...MUST notice opportunities, even if you have never seen them before.

Especially, make your statement say what you DO want, not AGAINST anything. It works better that way.

If you don't have any pictures, cut some from a magazine, and paste photos of your face on them.

You know that some foods incite whatever parasites you have, so you know something of what to avoid. ...And probably some helpful things to eat.

Spit! Spit whatever phlegm and mucous that comes into your mouth (NOT saliva, of course).

Some parasite eggs (microscopic) head for the lungs, to hatch into tiny larva. Then they want you to cough them up and swallow them, so they can get back to the intestines to grow into adults.

Head them off at the pass! Spit! ...Even if you have to buy a tissue company.

You'll find ways to be polite about it.

Watch who you tell! Not everyone will understand...or act understandingly. You need support, but some you trust will not be supportive. Be prepared. Simply move on to other supportive people...maybe even those in the health care industry.

Those who react badly will likely learn better, in time...but their education isn't your responsibility...especially not right now.

If all I've said is needless alarm, be glad...I mean, what the heck do I know?

I know is a parasites JOB to remain hidden. If they aren't, then it's time to really go after them.

You need experts on your side, now.

Everything I've read tells me this can be beaten. Act! Today...if not sooner.

The itch is coming from their poisons, I'm sure. And their poisons may do more damage than the parasites themselves.

Try a bath in a 1% solution of crystal mineral salts. It may dilute their poisons, and it will do no more harm than a swim in clean ocean water.

My crystal mineral salts came from

The bath was astonishingly effective at calming and effect I totally did not expect. And it lasts for at least a couple of weeks. We both have tried it at our house.

Simply drop the contents of a 1 kg (2.2 pound) box of the finest grind, into a regular bathtub of warm water, and get in for 20 to 30 minutes...keeping yourself wet all over with a cloth.

You may want to completely dissolve the granules in some hot/warm water in a bucket, first...then add it to your bath. Or start it melting in a bucket in the morning. Although it is rather slow to dissolve, it has other great features you'll love.

Remember, you and your immune system are far bigger and more powerful than they are. Their lives DEPEND on you.


You will win!

With you.



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