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Impossible to get rid of.....................
Corey Views: 2,811
Published: 17 y
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Impossible to get rid of.....................

I bought my house 30 years ago (1978) and noticed some of the trees behind my house were dead and had this vine wrapped around them Literally choking the life out of the trees. The vine had love flowers with a very sweet smell for a week or so each spring. The vines not only grew around the trees, they crisscrossed all over the area. I wanted to clean up the area because it was perfect place for snakes and other baddies. I found out it was called wisteria and made it my chore to eradicate it. 30 years later I am still trying. Several times each year I notice another sprig of wisteria popping up. I pull it up and check again in a few weeks.

I also see lots of trees along the highway that have areas that are all dead from the life choking wisteria taking over. I had rather have kudzu, at least I can eat that on a salad. Check out the message board here:

Found at:

Folks in the Southeastern U.S. are familiar with Kudzu, another Asian import that runs rampant over trees, telephone poles, old buildings, and slow-moving children. As bad as Kudzu is, Chinese Wisteria is even worse; Kudzu simply climbs and covers native trees and shrubs--occasionally shading them out and killing them---while Chinese Wisteria almost always strangles them to death. Wisteria is a twining vine, and when it wraps around a tree trunk the combined growth of vine and tree eventually chokes off the tree's plumbing. After the host tree rots away or topples earthward, the wisteria simply grows along the ground until the delicate tip of a new stem finds another vertical object to ascend, and the murderous cycle repeats itself.

And the pods are highly poisonous!! Keep children away from them!!!

Good luck!!




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