I am afraid you have a stance and would never change. How many people do you estimate taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in these developed countries? What is the estimate of people having tried it in USA? How did you hear about it? Thats why I asked if you have ever travelled to these parts. Because you are part of the cloud that feels in Africa we live on trees. You need to go to know. I would very much doubt you have travelled to these parts or you wont be so naive. I have little biological knowledge but I would want you to know I am a scientist. And a graduate scientists at that with some international education as well. Infrastructure may not be as immaculate. But literacy and questioning newer things is never a case only here. I bet it took Jim over a decade to get say 100,000 people to have tried it. How many people have tried it in the USA and other advanced countries in the past year. You really underestimate some group of people and I think they call that discrimination. You should give up and say sorry for the lot of intellectuals you have insulted by your post. Maybe you are educationally up there, but you lack how to make your statements in public. Grow up.